Eros Wiki:About

From Eros Wiki

Eros is a constructed multi-genre setting created by me, Bridger Bell. Eros was originally conceived around 2018, when I was running a Dungeons & Dragons campaign for a group of high school friends. The campaign was in a different constructed setting, however a number of elements were pulled from the Forgotten Realms setting. While running this campaign, I found myself wishing that the setting was more versatile, as I had hoped to run a science fiction campaign at some point. It was then when it occurred to me that I could construct my own wide-ranging setting that became different genres throughout the timeline. This occurred to me, I'm sure, in great part due to my love of large inter-connected fictional worlds, particularly Star Wars.

My original idea for this (yet unnamed) world was to go from a fantasy setting, into a modern setting, into a science fiction setting, however I quickly saw how much variation I could make within this single timeline. This continued expanding until it reached the current 6 eras (not including Era 0). To organize this disjoint information, I decided to make a Zim wiki. This wiki served me very well for a long time, but a combination of factors, including the increasing amount of information, my obsession with organization, and my dissatisfaction with the organization of Zim wikis, made a shift to Mediawiki an obvious choice.

As I wrote the events and characters within this timeline, I found myself particularly enamored with Era 5, a.k.a. the science fiction era. I have always been very fond of science fiction as a genre, so it should be no surprise that I have put so much more effort into this part of Eros. Regardless, I fully intend to greatly expand the other eras, especially Era 1, which I believe has a lot of potential.

This wiki is, more or less, the entirety of my work on Eros. I have yet to find significant inspiration to write a fully-formed story within the setting (though at time of writing I am considering running a TTRPG campaign). There are some other things I have worked on for the setting, such as flags and maps, conlangs, and other miscellaneous bits and bobs, but most of the information about the setting comes from random inspiration that I simply write down here (you'll notice much of this in the numerous placeholder and wanted pages). It should also be easy to tell that I have much more to say about Eros, as you may be able to tell from the numerous placeholders within most pages on this wiki.

Well anyway, thanks for reading and thanks for looking at my work. Eros is one of my proudest achievements, and I am always happy to share it with anyone interested.

--Locksteel (talk)